Why Should Kids Read Obituaries?

The obituary may be the most nutrient-dense informational text a child can read: it’s a miniature biography, history lesson, and work of literature, all in one. Obituaries are interesting, informative, and inspirational. Importantly, they’re about life, not death! (Death is merely the detail that gets them published.) When children read obituaries, they not only build their knowledge — they see new possibilities for their own lives.


Obituaries teach us about how people live and help us better understand those we share the planet with.

– Jen King, obituarist, Guardian

What is an obituary?

An obituary is a newspaper article about someone who has died. It recounts the person’s life and accomplishments, often with historical context. The obituaries presented here are works of objective journalism: they are news stories, assigned by editors, and written by journalists with no connection to the deceased.

An obituary should not be confused with a:

– Death Announcement: a classified ad, usually written and paid for by family members

– Tribute: an appreciation written by a family member, colleague, or friend

– Eulogy: a speech given at a memorial service


Look in today’s newspaper. Chances are you’ll read an obit about someone who held a job, took care of family and still had time to help someone else. Learn from that person’s example. Be inspired. Go out and make a difference in the world. Do something wonderful for which you’ll be remembered. Something that one day might be included in your obituary.

– Alana Baranick, obituarist, The Plain Dealer